Lesli Allison
Lesli is a founding member and the chief executive of the Western Landowners Alliance. She was also a founding member of the Chama Peak Land Alliance. For the past three decades, Lesli has worked extensively with private landowners and multiple stakeholders to advance conservation, sustain working lands and support rural communities.
Conserving Soundscapes with Sensory Ecologist Jesse Barber
How does human-related sound impact wildlife around us? From trails to roads to cities, this question propels Dr. Jesse Barber, a leader in the emerging field of sensory ecology. Barber
Beyond Scarcity: Can we restore vitality in a drying West?
The West is used to drought. Aridification, however, is a whole other level. Aridification is more than drought, more than megadrought. Think Sahara. Think Gobi. Increasingly, this is the forecast for
Almost there! The Land of Enchantment Legacy Fund needs your help
Thanks to a multi-billion-dollar budget surplus, a diverse, state-wide coalition and bipartisan leadership, New Mexico is poised to make a transformative investment in our land and natural resources on a
Intelligent tinkering
Getting the next 50 years of the Endangered Species Act right. We knew the trout darting among the rocks in the tiny stream were special, though at the time, we didn’t
The ESA at 50: Six steps to better outcomes for people and wildlife
Were it not for the Endangered Species Act (ESA), it is likely that bald eagles, humpback whales, whooping cranes, peregrine falcons and American alligators would no longer be with us
Private Lands are a Lifeline for Wildlife
A 2022 New Mexico Supreme Court decision opening streams on private land to the public has fishermen cheering, but not so much the fish. After all, the decision converted thousands
Making the bottom line work for nature
In May, during the 150th anniversary of Yellowstone National Park, U.S. Department of Agriculture Undersecretary Robert Bonnie delivered a landmark speech signaling a major turning point in United States conservation
Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon
WLA’s executive director, Lesli Allison, sat down with Governor Gordon for a conversation about the governor’s passion for ranch life, his vision for how ecosystem service markets could help Wyoming
Can the center hold? Collaborative conservation is the way out West
This issue of On Land takes a look into the rise of landowner-led, collaborative conservation. Pioneered by ranchers from the U.S.-Mexico border to Montana’s Blackfoot Valley, it is a movement
Landowners and sportsmen: Allies or adversaries?
It was just around 8:30 a.m. on a clear morning in mid-September in the southern Colorado Rockies. Turning aspen fluttered lightly in the soft breeze as Dennis, a neighboring ranch
Redefining conservation for a new era
On January 27, President Biden issued a sweeping executive order designed to address climate change and conserve biodiversity. Among its goals is conserving thirty percent of land and water by
What would make 30 by 30 work for the West?
In this post we lay out a dozen ways in which the Biden administration could meaningfully recognize and support landowners and rural communities for their role in sustaining biodiversity.