Almost there! The Land of Enchantment Legacy Fund needs your help 

Thanks to a multi-billion-dollar budget surplus, a diverse, state-wide coalition and bipartisan leadership, New Mexico is poised to make a transformative investment in our land and natural resources on a scale that will benefit generations to come. 

This opportunity comes not a moment too soon as water shortages, wildfires, wildlife decline, soil erosion, and a changing climate, pose immediate threats to our health, safety, economy, food security, and way of life. 

Recognizing both the urgency and the rare opportunity, leaders came together during the 2023 legislative session to establish the Land of Enchantment Legacy Fund. The fund enables the state to manage and restore watersheds, forests, rangelands, conserve soil and water resources, enhance wildlife habitats, and boost agricultural productivity. 

While the initial Legacy Fund allocation was a great start, more is needed to address the state’s pressing natural resource and agriculture needs. Opportunities for impactful projects exist in every county and tribal community, where land managers are urgently working to reduce threats from natural disasters and restore vital resources.  

As landowners and agricultural producers, we understand the importance of caring for the lands that sustain us. Like any good business reinvesting in its resources, New Mexicans relying on our exceptional but finite land base must do the same. 

If you care about the future of agriculture, food and water security, wildlife, climate health, community safety, outdoor recreation, and a prosperous economy, the Land of Enchantment Legacy Fund deserves your support.  

We need to let our political leadership know how much we appreciate their foresight and encourage them to take the next step by fully funding the Land of Enchantment Legacy Fund while we still have the opportunity. The Legislative Finance Committee (LFC) took the first big step by recommending a $300 million investment this session, and now the house-passed budget bill, HB2, includes that allocation. The final step is approval from the New Mexico Senate, where the finance committee will take it up next!  

Please contact your state senators and Governor Michelle Lujan-Grisham today and let them know you support full funding for the Land of Enchantment Legacy Fund. For more information and to take action, visit

Lesli is a founding member and the chief executive of the Western Landowners Alliance. She was also a founding member of the Chama Peak Land Alliance. For the past three decades, Lesli has worked extensively with private landowners and multiple stakeholders to advance conservation, sustain working lands and support rural communities.