For many Western landowners, stockwatering and irrigation go hand in hand. Without a stockwater-specific water right, however, users could be operating outside of their established decree. Understanding your water right,

Nestled in the heart of the Colorado, Crowley County was once a testament to agricultural prosperity. Its lush fields stretched over 50,000 acres, teeming with a bounty of crops nourished

When discussing groundwater in agriculture, the mind’s eye tends to conjure a classic picture of a windmill pumping irrigation water from a well to nourish thirsty crops. However, new attention

Irrigators around the West face a multitude of challenges when it comes to using water. The effects of drought, development, and aging infrastructure impact nearly every agricultural community, and finding

What does “use it or lose it” really mean in the context of western water? Should water rights holders divert their entire decree? How does historical consumptive use factor into

Soil health is gaining increasing notoriety as a major driver of agricultural water efficiency and drought resilience. But how can ranch managers and graziers rapidly improve soil health to cope

Drought and water scarcity are increasingly posing challenges to agricultural operations across Colorado, but the Colorado Ag Water Alliance’s (CAWA) Drought Resiliency program serves to provide funding support for incubator

Jackie Corday, owner of Corday Natural Resources Consulting and tri-chair of the Colorado Healthy Headwaters Working Group, joined the Western Landowners Alliance for a presentation about the key considerations for

In March of 2022, the New Mexico Supreme Court issued a ruling upholding the public’s right to access waterways that flow through private land. As noted by the court in